Thursday, 20 February 2025

Emerald Revery

 Next in my Magic City series and part of an ongoing exploration of themes in the White Lotus Sutra.

Here is a green oasis where travellers rest before continuing the journey.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

From the Archive - Bodhisattva and Lotus (with Skull)

 This is a large oil painting (122 x 122cm) painted in 1999. In its presence I start to drown in the rich warm colour field and the sensuous quality of the paint. I enjoy the subtleties of the colour shifts some of which is lost in the photographed image.The image combines elements from different Buddhist icons.  The hand holding up the lotus comes from an Amitabha sadhana. The peacock feathers are a reference to Amitabha's peacocks which support his throne. The skull references the skull cup filled with the red nectar of great bliss which is held by Padmasambhava and by wisdom dakinis in their dance.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Green Goddesses with Blessings

 A current theme exploring the Green Goddess.

For me she is a symbol of Gaia, Tara, and all female deities of life and love.

She is the wish for the fecundity of our planet. 

She receives blessings from the universe and offers them to all.

Monday, 3 February 2025