Saturday 15 March 2014

Avalokitesvara Variations

Here are a set of variations using the traditional iconography for the four armed form of Avalokitesvara.  He holds the wish fulfilling jewel or cintamani, a mala or rosary and a lotus.   The first picture is a gouache commission painted in 1998 
(Go to to see more commissioned work).
The other images were created on my iPad using a photograph of the gouache as a starting point. The apps I used were Brushes and Waterlogue. I am really enjoying exploring the possibilities of this touchsreen technology.


JFM said...

Hello, my name is Jan. I visited your blog just now and I am so happy that I have. Your paintings are very beautiful and so filled with lovely colors.
I look forward to visiting here often. I am adding your blog to my favorites on my blog list...

Janet said...

Thank you Jan. I'm happy that you found my blog.