Thursday, 31 July 2014


Drawn from observation using a range of iPad apps to explore the fragrant brittleness  of lavender in a vase.

Monday, 5 May 2014


Here is a recent mixed media sketch of Vajrayogini - wax, gouache and water soluble crayon on water colour paper.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Medicine Buddha/Bhaisajyaguru

This is a digitally made image trying out the potential of layers in the Brushes app. The starting point was a photo of a line drawing done on paper followed by various digital manipulations using graphics apps.  I am enjoying experimenting with the technologies which are coming on line for the iPad.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Avalokitesvara Variations

Here are a set of variations using the traditional iconography for the four armed form of Avalokitesvara.  He holds the wish fulfilling jewel or cintamani, a mala or rosary and a lotus.   The first picture is a gouache commission painted in 1998 
(Go to to see more commissioned work).
The other images were created on my iPad using a photograph of the gouache as a starting point. The apps I used were Brushes and Waterlogue. I am really enjoying exploring the possibilities of this touchsreen technology.


A vase of paeonies - is this cheating? To take my photograph and turn it into this using tcouchscreen technology and an app? Or is it the future beckoning?

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Ive updated my website

My website has had an overhaul.
To see a slide show on the first page.
Explore the site to find more new work.