Wednesday, 31 May 2023

First Birdsong Painting

 Today I had an impulse to make a series of images of birdsong.  Here is the first Birdsong painting, mixed media and collage on watercolour paper. The photograph does not capture all the subtleties, but gives an idea. There are no birds or musical notes as that would be far too literal.

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Metamorphoses - fun with butterflies

 Just playing in the sketchbook to test out some new watercolour pencils and masking fluid . . . .

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Tulip Time

 It's tulip season and there are some extraordinary tulips in bloom. This is an attempt to capture one of them as it changed over time. Tulips just don't stay the same they open and close their petals and bend their stems to dance in the vase. Catching these changes in paint, ink and crayon. I tore up the drawing and re-assembled the pieces in an attempt to communicate my experience of the flower.